Senin, 06 Oktober 2014


good evening darling
i'm kinda tired waiting for you
but i'm not giving up
i'll still wait for you
so i don't want to bother you
i think i'm going to sleep now

good night my love

                               e.r (9.30pm)

Sabtu, 04 Oktober 2014

i'm just a fish

but loving you is like try to fly in the sky
and spreading wings
i'd love to try to fly
but you love another seagull
and i'm just a fish among my groups
looking at you so that you can love me
and you picked me up from the sea
fly for a few minutes above the wave
and you put me down on your nest
so that your girl can eat me
it's okay. i know. thats why i hide

                                       e.r. (4:30am)

Jumat, 03 Oktober 2014

Heiho ! Welcome !

welcome to my blog all ! very nice knowing someone is visiting my drawing place
it just a blog to see my poetry, short story,drawing and maybe some diary
my name is Eka welcome to my blog !!

here's my drawing for the first post :